73 – Poma, ombra, llum

73 – Poma, ombra, llum

Pomers. Fileres i fileres de pomers. Sembla que no s’acabin mai.

Escrit per Anna Ferrer Albertí i Vicent Ortega. Amb Anna Ferrer Albertí, Laia Garcia, Vicent Ortega, Pau Pérez i Clara Schwarze.

Portada d’Annadiplosis.

Sintonia de Jordi Borrull.

Editat per Anna Ferrer Albertí.

Música de l’episodi:
Martin Gauffin – Append
Walt Adams – We Are Nomads
Spectacles Wallet and Watch – Lost Time
Farrell Wooten – It Creeps In
Amaranth Cove – Loss and Love
Farrell Wooten – Creeping
Brendon Moeller – Traversing the Rabbithole
Farrell Wooten – Isolation
Cobby Costa – Luminous Perspective
Gavin Luke – Winter Solstice
Spectacles Wallet and Watch – Abandoned Mansion
Spectacles Wallet and Watch – Mystery Palace
Cobby Costa – Iconograph
Christian Andersen – The Lure